
Why don’t men seek sexual therapy?


Male phone sex therapy with Candace is a place where you can talk openly and honestly about your special and individual circumstances.  I am a great listener and an even better interrogator.

Share with me your male sex issues and questions.  It will come as no surprise that women seek sexual therapy and general therapy more than men.  There are a few potential reasons for this difference in seeking therapy.


First, there may be societal and cultural norms that discourage men from seeking help or showing vulnerability. Traditional gender roles often emphasize self-reliance and emotional toughness in men, which can make it difficult for them to seek therapy or admit to struggling with mental health or sexual issues and fantasies.

Second, men may have different coping strategies for dealing with stress.  Luckily for me, men seek out my help by calling me on NiteFlirt.  Many prefer to talk and masturbate.

Using both of these therapeutic processes allow men to use their minds to explore and explain, and then release.  Masturbating has a great benefit to men.  Some men may turn to physical activity, work, or substance use as a way of coping, rather than seeking therapy or other sexual services.  Call me instead. 

Third, there may be barriers to accessing adult mental health services that affect men more than women. For example, some men may feel uncomfortable discussing sensitive issues with a female therapist, or they may have concerns about the cost or availability of mental health services.  But, calling a woman who offers phone sex services who is a stranger and who he knows hears men’s issues all of the time is a relief.

Privacy, and other factors often cause difficulty.  I now have a chat system that is double-blind and anonymous.  It is in a browser not on your phone, so you can be safe.

Despite these potential issues, it is important for men to prioritize their mental and sexual outlets.  Seeking aid and friendship, non-judgemental and experienced help is essential.

My services are not your average ‘phone sex’ experience.  Many of my clients feel a kinship with me.  I am experienced.  I work with men and can provide a safe and supportive space for them to discuss their concerns and develop strategies for coping with stress and fantasies.

Now you have two options to reach me.

One is NiteFlirt (days only)
Call TherapyPhoneSex for phone sex on

The other is: